Hannah Roberts


Hannah Roberts

Sr. Compliance Auditor, Marina del Ray, CA


  • Business Management

Key Industries

  • Royalty Audits


Learn About Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts is a Sr. Compliance Auditor in the Marina del Ray office of Adeptus Partners. Hannah assists with the firm’s music royalty compliance auditing, financial due diligence, and litigation consulting capacity and capabilities. Hannah possesses over 10 years of music publishing and record royalty experience. In addition to processing royalty statements for hundreds of recipients, she led the income tracking and desk audit teams in the royalty department of several major and independent music publishers and at a major label.  When she is not working or attending concerts, she enjoys hockey, camping, dirt bike and motorcycle riding with her family. 


Middle Tennessee State - concentration on the Music Business covering all contracts and every aspect related to the industry. 

About Adeptus

 Learn more about our Royalty Audit and Contract Compliance services

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